
Lesson 68 —— Society Is Changing Rapidly

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第六十八課 社會正快速地變化

◎Reading Society is changing rapidly. As a result, more and more people are suffering from stress. Those who are stressed out are often nervous, angry or ill. People must, therefore, learn to deal with this "new" kind of problem. Regular exercise is one way. The best way, however, is to keep a good sense of humor. ◎閱讀 社會正快速地變化。因此,越來越多的人正遭受壓力之苦。凡是壓力過大的人經常會緊張、生氣或生病。所以,人們必須學會處理這種「新」問題。規律的運動是一種方法。不過,最好的方法就是保持良好的幽默感。 (資料提供:常春藤解析英語雜誌社)(點閱次數:446)